Greater Lansing CROP Hunger Walk
Walk. Give. Change the world.
October 14, 2018
Grace United Methodist Church
1900 Boston Blvd, Lansing
1:00 pm sign in / 2:00 pm walk
3 mile route
Contact: Bob Barnhart
rlb2335@outlook.com / (517) 896-2850
Local Agencies receiving funds: Advent House Ministries, Greater Lansing Food Bank, Sparrow Clinton Hospital Foundation, The Garden Project, South Lansing Ministries, Southside Community Kitchen, and VoA.
"With its inception in 1969, CROP Hunger Walks are "viewed by many as the granddaddy of charity walks," notes the Los Angeles Times (Oct. 26, 2009). On October 17, 1969, a thousand people in Bismarck, ND, walked in what may have been the start of the hunger walks related to CROP – and raised $25,000 to help stop hunger. As far as we know, York County, Penn., was the first walk officially called the CROP Walk for the Hungry – and that event has been continuous since 1970. Several other CROP Hunger Walks occurred soon thereafter, and before long there were hundreds of Walks each year in communities nationwide. Currently, well over 2,000 communities across the U.S. join in more than 1,000 CROP Hunger Walks each year. More than five million CROP Hunger Walkers have participated in more than 36,000 CROP Hunger Walks in the last two decades alone." https://www.crophungerwalk.org/lansingmi/Static/About-Us